
留学なし英会話スクールなし費用なし 通翻訳者の僕がやってる英語学習



それではFF10のPart6行ってみましょう! 今回は、最後のティーダのセリフを見てみます。 09:28So I told her everything there was to tell. About Zanarkand about life there, blitzball and sin's attack. And about how Aaron and I were engulfed in th…


それではFF10のPart5行ってみましょう! このあたりからキャラクターのセリフが多くなってくるので楽しくなってくる所です。 今回は、次のリュックのセリフを見てみます。 03:10He said you can stay if you make yourself useful. 男の話すアルベド語が分か…


それではFF10のPart4行ってみましょう! 今回は、最初の一文を見てみます。 00:05On our last episode we were sucked into this weird alternate dimension or some shit and we woke up in this desolated place with absolutely nobody around and no ide…

Which Poison Frog Can Kill You?

Which poison frog is more toxic? 今回はBrave Wildernessの新着動画で2種類の毒ガエルを比較します。 僕が毎日このチャンネルを観ているのもありますが、とても聞きやすい英語ですね。 ★5が最難関だとしたら、星3つ★★★☆☆といったところでしょうか。 初学…

How to Track a Predator! 水辺での動物の見つけ方!

Brave Wilderneeの新着動画です! 最初の1文を見てみましょう。 00:00Any body of water is going to be the best place to find animal tracks. Any body of waterまでが主語、bodyは物体の塊の意味なので、「どんな水場でも」 is going to be the best pla…


皆さんご存知ですか、最近FF8のリマスター版が発売されたことを。 早稲田サラリーマンはFFでは7と8と10が大好きで、FF10はDarioのLet's Playを 取り上げていますが、FF8も折角リマスター版が発売されたということで、 FF8をやったことがない人にも観てほしい…


少し更新に時間が空いてしまいすみません。今日から毎日更新を再開します! それではFF10のPart3行ってみましょう! 今回は、次の一文を見てみます。 00:02hey guys welcome back, we're playing final fantasy 10 In our last episode, something has attac…


FF10が本当に素晴らしいゲームなので、シリーズ化したいと思います。 DarioのLet Play FF10で最終回までスクリプトを見ていきますが、 ご自身の好きな実況者がいる場合は、その方の動画を見ていただいてもかまいません。 ちなみに、下記のサイトで北米版FF10…


今回は、下記の1文を取り上げてみましょう。 長い文章ですが、前から理解していけば大丈夫です! 00:35Many of the plants of the Amazon are still being studied today with the hope of finding ingredients that will cure some of our most serious dis…


00:00whether you've bent down the wrong way00:01lifted something very heavy off the00:03floor or you've just been struggling00:05with nagging lower back pain for a while00:07now there are things you can do to speed00:10up your recovery and…

Hiking in Japan (Ten-En Hiking Course in Kamakura) 転園、鎌倉でハイキング

00:01Hello World! Where I'm from in Japan00:04this is what hiking is like.00:09What was the weather like Shin?00:11Sunny!00:14What is it again... I got a cow!00:18Dad, we can't go there, so just go there.00:21Okay.00:24Ok, cave hunter, go!…

東京の落ち着く隠れスポット!Tokyo Hidden Spots | Exploring Tokyo’s Local Traditional Old Towns Yanesen(YanakaGinza,Nezu,Sendagi)

00:07Who says you can’t enjoy both the traditional and modern things in Tokyo?00:17Yanaka-ginza is near Nippori station in Tokyo00:20Many people transfer through this station to get to Narita airport00:24So I've arrived in Nippori Station …

Japanese Bedroom!

00:00Hello World, where I'm from this is what my bedroom is like.00:04Oh no! It's a mess!00:20I'm done. And this is my bedroom.00:30These are called tatami.00:33And these materials00:35these materials00:37Are a long grass that the people w…

Supermarkets in Japan Closed due to Biggest Tyhoon!台風で日本のお店が閉店!

00:01greetings everybody so this is the00:05supermarket Kenai and I came back from00:08Fukuoka last night our flight was00:10canceled it was a jet star flight from00:12Fukuoka back to Narita was cancelled the00:15flight departed at 8:00 it…


00:00[AIKO] Where I'm from, this is how to wash dishes.00:04Where I'm from, this is how you wash dishes.00:08I don't do dishes that much, so...00:11Well... I kind of know, so... like...00:14You scrub it...00:16...kind of yucky, so I don't …

お絵かき Drawing!

ハーフのバイリンガルと純日本人の子供が話すとこうなる。 00:00Aiko's dad: Okay...00:01Aiko's dad: Ready?00:04Aiko: Hello world, this is how we...00:06Aiko: dahmidih...00:11Aiko: Hello world, this is how we... draw...00:13MMUuuh...00:14Shoko:…


00:00Where I'm from, this is what Japanese breakfast is like00:04Mommy!00:05Right now, my mom is making eggs, and it's called "tamagoyaki"00:14A little bit00:15Smash it to make it mushy00:22I never made one00:24I didn't know it takes a lon…


00:00Where I'm from, this is what Japanese toilets are like.00:03 どうして上の方に蛇口がついてるの?OK, so why is there a tap on the top?00:06So, if you flush it,00:10Flush it, and the water goes,00:14and the water comes out!00:18So we can…


00:00Where I'm from, in Japan,00:02 たくさんの人が洗面台を同時に使うことが出来ますa lot of people can use the bathroom area00:04at the same time.00:08 私が洗面台を使ってSo I can be using the sink00:11 他の人がバスタブを使えます。and somebo…


00:08Ever wanted to take a dive into the deepest parts of the ocean?00:11Well, today you’re gonna have this opportunity!00:14Now, how good are you at holding your breath?00:17Not that good?00:19Well not to worry.00:20Hop on board of my sub…


00:00Imagine, you’re on vacation.00:04No, you’re not interested in beachside hangouts or big city tourism.00:09You’ve decided to avoid the crowds and go on a quiet adventure to the mountainous landscapes00:15of Scandinavia.00:16The weather…


00:00- I'm Coyote Peterson and I'm about to enter the burn zone00:03with a hot spring.00:06Here we go.00:09Argh!00:10(yelling)00:11(panting)00:13(yelling)00:15(animal growling)00:16(jungle music)00:28Over the course of my career,00:30I hav…


00:00hi everyone for many people the vacation00:03period is now over and they're back in00:06the office again but let's not get upset00:08instead let's gather our strengths that00:10make plans for the next vacation maybe00:12you want to vi…


子供の英語で聞きやすいと思います。 00:00Where I'm from,00:01 東京を歩くのはこんな感じですthis is what walking around Tokyo is like.00:04 たくさん小さい道が家の間にあってThere's lots of little paths00:06between these houses.00:09 とても小さ…


4:16~10:00あたりが童話です 00:11welcome to the effortless English show00:14with the world's number one English00:15teacher AJ Hoge where AJ's more than 4000:18million students worldwide finally learn00:20English once and for all00:22witho…

正確診断テスト! The Most Precise 4-Question Personality Test

今回は、英語で正確診断テストをやってみましょう! 00:06the most accurate for question00:08personality test it's always interesting00:14and fun to learn more about yourself and00:16what can be a better way to do it than00:18the famous myers-…


今回は三國無双2の捨て台詞集を見てみましょう。 1文完結、聞き取りやすい、わかりやすくインパクトのある内容 、短い動画、 ということで、初学者の方にも非常におすすめです。 三国志好きな方であれば、物語や台詞が楽しめますし、ゲームプレイ動画ではお…


00:00The horror genre is home to a lot of quality flicks, as well as low-budget schlock, making00:06it hard for a viewer to determine what's good and what's a waste of time.00:10Fortunately, we've patched together a list of those films tha…


今回は相撲の禁じ手についてです。時間も短く内容も分かりやすいものになっています。動画を見終わったら、今回の単語チェックを確認しましょう! [単語チェック] comic nod infraction transgression witness hallowed hallowedに似た単語にholyがあります…


00:08What's inside a pimple seven acne types and effective ways to treat them00:13Pimples and acne are very sensitive topics for a lot of people unfortunately00:17There are only a few of lucky ones who do not face this important problem00:…