
留学なし英会話スクールなし費用なし 通翻訳者の僕がやってる英語学習




Where I'm from,
00:01 東京を歩くのはこんな感じです
this is what walking around Tokyo is like.
00:04 たくさん小さい道が家の間にあって
There's lots of little paths
between these houses.
00:09 とても小さいです
And they're so small.
00:11 今家を建てているところですね
So now they're building a house.
00:14 家は小さいです
And the house is small
00:16 庭すらないです
and it even doesn't have a yard.
00:21 本当に家同士は近いの?
Is it really close?
00:22 うん
00:23 とっても近い
It's like so close.
00:24 ほんのこれだけ
This. Only this much,
00:28 で、すぐとなりの家
and there's the next house.
00:30 そして、これが庭
And then this is a yard.
00:35 これが庭って言われている
This is supposed to be a yard.
00:37 これ全部
All of this.
00:38 それは庭じゃないと思うよ、嘘じゃない?
I don't think that's a yard. I think you're lying.
00:40 いやいや、本当に!
No. No. That's true.
00:43 花を植えれるし、これだけしかスペースがないの
You can just plant flowers and this is only your space.
00:48 でもこの家は庭みたいなスペースがたくさんあるよ
But this house has lots of space for like a yard.
00:52 少しくらいなら遊べるかな
Well, you can play a little bit.
00:54 あの庭で遊びたい?
Would you play in that yard?
00:55 うん
00:58 何してるの?
What are you doing?
00:59 これ壊してる
I'm breaking these.
01:03 なにやってるの?
Oh! Wow! Wow! What are you doing?
What are you doing?
01:07 うわ、気持ちわる!
Ugh! That's gross!
01:09 これは何に見える?
And what does this look like over here? What did you see?
01:11 レゴブロックみたい
These look like Lego bricks.
01:13 え、ああ、レゴブロックだね
Yeah? Oh, we found a Lego brick.
01:16 うん、苔がついたレゴ
Yeah. That's a mossy Lego brick.
01:19 また家の間に細い道があった
This is just another little path between houses.
01:22 この家はお互いとってもちかい
So these houses are so close to each other
01:26 両手で触れるくらい
I can just
touch them.
01:31 家の間にはこれだけしかスペースがない
And they only have this much space between houses.
01:37 カナダではもっとたくさんのスペースがあったよね
In Canada they are like a lot, right?
01:42 裏庭はどこ?
Where is the back yard?
01:43 裏庭?裏庭はないよ。
The back yard? They don't have any back yards.
01:46 そうなの、まって、これが裏庭だよ
Oh. Wait. No. This is back yard.
01:49 んー日本の家は裏にはがない家もある
Well. Like some houses don't have back yards.
01:52 ここで遊べるよ、部屋がたくさんある
You can play in there. Look. There's lots of room.
01:57 カナダの裏庭は日本の公園みたいな感じ
A Canada back yard it's like a Japanese park.
02:09 この看板の意味は、水の中で泳いでじゃだめって事だよね
So this sign means you can't play in the water.
02:14 どの水?
What water?
02:15 プールで遊んじゃだめって
You can't play in that pool.
02:19 じゃあなんでここに水がないの?遊べないじゃん
Then why isn't water there? You can't play in it.
02:25 本当に?子供たちが夏に遊んでいるのを見たよ
Really? I saw kids playing in the summer time.
02:28 でも子供たちはこんなの読まないよ
But they don't read this.
02:30 この子供は楽しんでるみたいだね、本当に遊んじゃだめって言ってるのかな?
That kid looks like he's having fun. Are you sure it says "don't play"?
02:32 うん、遊んじゃだめって書いてる
Yeah. It says "don't play and have fun".
02:35 本当に?
02:36 それなら、大きい×印とか書いてないと
They should have a big X across them then.
02:40 どこに書いてる?
Where does it say that? Show me where it says "don't play".
Which part of it?
It says...
02:46 ここ、遊んではいけません
Right here. "Do not play".
02:48 中に芝生があるかもしれないから遊んじゃだめなんだね
There might be glass so you can't play inside.
02:53 あと釘が落ちてて足に刺さるかも
And there might be nails that will hit your feet.
And go [makes noise].
03:01 目が痛くなる
And your eyes will hurt.
03:04 この人見て!目がない、顔見てみて!
Oh, yeah! Look at this guy. He has no eyes. Look at his face!
03:07 うわ
Oh, no!
03:08 見て、目に穴が開いて、血が出てる
Look! Actually something... Look: his eyes they got poked out and they're bleeding down.
Oh, no!
03:14 ああ、目が!
"Oh, no! My eyes!"
03:16 これは本物の家だね
Now, this is actually a real, real home.
03:20 行ってみる
I'm gonna go!
03:27 ドアがついてる本物の家
That's a real home with door.
03:31 嘘ついてない?これ本物のドア?
You're not lying? That's a real home door?
Yeah, yeah! Yes!
That's a home door?
03:36 家だ、これが本物の玄関
That is a home! And that's the real, real, real, real entrance.
03:43 こういう家はたまにあるね、テレビで見た
Yeah. There are some homes like this. I watched that on TV.
03:47 あっちに行く
Go that way.
03:57 これが本物の、玄関
This is the real, real, actually real house entrance.
04:04 あっちとこっち、どっちも道がある
You can go from this way, or from that way. Yeah.
04:16 またね
See you next time. Bye, bye!
04:19 ここにも家の間の細い道がある
Here's another little path bweeteen... bweetee... between houses.